An assistive product for blind persons to identify obstacles in their path to…
…leave the house!

Project name
Vesper – Innovative glasses for blind persons based on distance sensors and haptic language
Project goal
The project aims to develop the market niche of devices supporting the mobility of blind persons.
The project aims to develop the market niche of devices supporting the mobility of blind persons.
Planned effects
As a result of the project implementation dynamically developing company will be established in the Eastern Poland macroregion, offering a globally innovative product. Due to the growing demand for this type of device, the company can not only reach domestic customers but also become a globally recognized brand in this industry.
As a result of the project implementation dynamically developing company will be established in the Eastern Poland macroregion, offering a globally innovative product. Due to the growing demand for this type of device, the company can not only reach domestic customers but also become a globally recognized brand in this industry.
The total value of the project
1,269,976.50 PLN